Live StreamingYouTube

Steven Healey’s Best Practices To Gain More Views On YouTube Live


If you’re currently streaming on Facebook and would like to try YouTube Live, Steven Healey has some sage advice for you. Get to know the live video producer and how he was able to increase his YouTube Live views with Be.Live!

Steven’s Journey with YouTube Live

Live streamer Steven Healey is getting stable viewership on Facebook, so it would only be natural for him to try out YouTube Live as well.

Being the biggest video sharing platform, gaining a steady following on YouTube will definitely improve his reach to more viewers. Yet his first encounters with the video-sharing site wasn’t all that great.

He started live streaming in October 2016 using Be.Live to produce his live broadcasts on Facebook. He would then download his videos and upload them on YouTube. It was a great time to start with live streaming since it’s steadily gaining popularity on social media.

For 18 months, his videos on Facebook and YouTube worked well. But after a while, his views on YouTube fell.

Good news came when Be.Live launched YouTube Live, he rediscovered the perks of going live in the platform. Armed with his new-found knowledge and Be.Live’s newest launch, he has been experiencing a steady rise in views for his YouTube channel for the past two months.

How did he increase his views on YouTube? Steven shares some of his best practices with us below!

Steven’s Best Practices for YouTube Live

Write Video Titles that Pack a Punch

Keep them short, snappy, and informative.

Titles are the first thing potential viewers will encounter with your video. Whether you go live on YouTube or repurpose previous videos, you need to come up with informative but concise titles.

Going to YouTube to search for videos is quite similar to searching on Google. People search for questions they want to be answered and they click on the videos with the most relevant titles. Answer your potential viewers’ questions through your title and you’ll definitely gain their attention.

Come Up with Video Descriptions that Tell a Story

Not everyone who watches your video will know you or your background. First-time viewers should be able to understand the context of your video and what you want to share with them.

Give a brief description of your video including all the important points you want to share without being too wordy. Make sure to include enough SEO words to help your live stream become more visible for searches.

Learn how to make video captions more searchable with this insightful post.


Make Tags Searchable

People who don’t know you won’t be able to find your video on YouTube. It would be like looking for a needle in a giant haystack.

According to Steven, you need to include searchable tags within a 500-word limit to make your videos more visible. If you don’t know how to come up with tags, these tools can help:

  • TubeBuddy
  • VidIQ

Learn More About YouTube

You need to have arm yourself with knowledge, knowhows, and techniques before jumping into a war of views. To be noticed from the thousands of videos on YouTube every day, your videos need to be “informative, educational, and interesting.”

To do that, your live should contain content that viewers want to see.

Great content is key, professional presentation is required. You have a lot of broadcasters competing for views, each video should be the best you can make it.

It’s also a great idea to get as many tips and workaround as possible. Steven got information from watching several live streamers on YouTube.

Owen Video

Owen Hemsath, also known as Owen Video, hosts BeLive Weekly. He also shares important tips and techniques to get reach and engage with more people with live streams and repurposed videos alive.

Check out Owen’s YouTube channel and Facebook page for some awesome video content!

Brian G Johnson

As an entrepreneur, Brian G. Johnson leverages the power of video to amplify his message. He also shares his knowledge to other people by sharing through YouTube videos and writing books.

Nick Nimmin

Steven believes YouTuber Nick Nimmin “totally understands Youtube (like Brian and Owen).” He can explain certain topics and make his audience excited for it at the same time.

Ileane Smith

Ileane Smith, Steven’s personal friend of over 5 years, understands YouTube, live streaming, and social media on a whole other level. Steven emphasized that she possesses a legendary “on-screen presence and depth of knowledge.”

Steven has been consistently streaming on YouTube using Be.Live for two months using the knowhows he learned to positive results. Watch him talk about his YouTube Live growth using Be.Live here.

Watch Steven share some insights about creating video tutorials on a YouTube live stream below.

Visit Steven’s Facebook page and YouTube channel to watch more of his lives! You can also join the BeLivers community to share ideas and chat with Steven and other live stream enthusiasts.

Do you want to professionalize your live broadcasts and be successful like Melissa? Give Be.Live a try and enjoy all its awesome features for 14 days for FREE!

Sign up with Be.Live for FREE today and start broadcasting to Facebook or YouTube!

Interested in going live on YouTube using Be.Live? Use this promo code “BeLiveBlog” when you sign up to get a 30% discount on Standard Plus yearly plan.


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