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BeLiver Feature: Minessa Konecky, How Be.Live Directs Her Business To Success


Starting and running a business is not a walk in the park on a sunny afternoon. That’s why Minessa Konecky started Direct to Success. She helps people reach their full entrepreneurial potential without burning out.

But how did Minessa reach her own success? Social media, particularly live streaming, helped her reach and engage with as many people. Her 7,000 plus followers on Facebook have definitely benefited from her consistent live broadcasts and coaching sessions. Her business has grown massively since starting out with Be.Live in 2018.

Find out how live streaming with Be.Live allowed her to answer more questions and improve interaction with clients and followers below!

Tell us something about you and your show that you’d like people to know about.


One of Minessa’s fur babies, Luna.

I’m a business and social media coach, a writer, and a mother of 3 dogs. I work with women whose businesses have slowly expanded to consume their every waking moment. This leaves them feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and looking for options.

Using a combination of mindfulness, strategy, and implementation tactics we implement systems that support successful businesses without sacrificing hobbies, family time, sleep, self-care, etc. On my show, we cover techniques to make your business processes more efficient using social media, planners, 3rd party apps, email systems, and all the other tools of our trade.

Why did you go into video marketing or live streaming?

The short answer is because it’s the most effective way to grow your business. Not including it is like pressing the hard button. I don’t like that button.

The long answer is that it was by accident.

I suffer from anxiety and used to have an absolute terror of speaking in front of people that I almost fainted at a podium in my early 30s. I’ve been watching lgame streamers for over a decade, it never occurred to me that I could do it to make money as well. But about 5 years ago when live started to take off, I realized I had a choice.

Traditional ways of growth were simply too slow for the business I was trying to grow, so I asked myself, “Am I going to let fear of going live stand in the way of my success?” That’s what it came down to, and once I framed it like that, it was a matter of finding the resources I needed to learn how to overcome my fears.

What has been the biggest impact of live streaming in your life?

There’s something very empowering about being able to press a button and share your thoughts with the world. I love it more than anything now, despite my initial anxiety.

When I first started streaming, like most streamers, I was all about who’s listening! Is anyone listening? How can I get more viewers so I can get more sales?

As my business evolved and the platform shifted, so did my focus. I discovered that most people don’t like to sell and almost no one likes to be sold to. My chase for likes was a total flop. But once I realized that the likes and individual views don’t matter as much as providing high-quality content that truly serves my community, it was like my entire business changed. Once I started focusing on service as a platform, sales became a natural consequence.



Minessa during one of her live broadcasts on Facebook using Be.Live.

How has Be.Live as a platform helped you?

I don’t think we have enough time or space for the list, but I’ll share 3!

It creates a sense of community and belonging with the ability to put comments on the screen. We all love to be noticed, and this gives me a great way to not just say someone’s name but highlight their contribution as well. Huge psychological boost for engagement.

The pre-scheduler has saved me SO MUCH TIME. OMG, I can plan, schedule, and promote my live all in one sitting for the next week, and it takes so much pressure off! For this reason alone, the product is worth it.

How are you promoting your product or service on your Be.Live shows?

What I love about the platform is that it makes me feel less salesy.

Using the split-screen feature, the product highlight, and tickers let me promote and sell even while I’m talking about value, so I’m not ever giving a sales pitch. While I’m training on my 5-hour engagement hack, the ticker below can promote related products.

I never have to sell at all! I just share value, and the ticker does the work.

How many times do you use Be.Live to promote your business?

I go live 5 times a week in a closed group and 1x/week on my public business page. I use Be.Live on about 50% of my small group lives and all of the public ones.

If I’m looking for an intimate experience I’ll usually do it from my phone or without the extra layer of the broadcast studio.

Which Be.Live feature do you think has helped you achieve the results for your business?

Definitely the scheduling feature.

“Having a full production studio at my fingertips when it’s just me is pretty legit.”

Anything else you’d like to share about how BeLive has helped your business?

My audience is women small business owners who go live regularly, so simply going live with Be.Live is enough for me to promote my product or service because it does give me a lot of street cred.

Having a full production studio at my fingertips when it’s just me is pretty legit. But then when I tell them that they can have this too, and for such a reasonable investment, now their imaginations light up. Which is one of the great things about Be.Live I think is it opens up brain space.

Since we don’t have to worry about all the logistics of tech and admin of our lives, we can be creative and direct our attention to the reason we started our businesses in the first place – helping people.

Minessa is a rock star when it comes to helping out women entrepreneurs! Watch one of her awesome live streams below!

You too can be as awesome as Minessa with your sales business by diving into live streaming today.

Sign up with Be.Live for FREE today and start broadcasting to Facebook or YouTube! Interested in going live on YouTube using Be.Live? Use this promo code “BeLiveBlog” when you sign up to get a 30% discount on Standard Plus yearly plan.


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