
Learn from live video veterans with BeLive’s new show, Production Pro

With so many shows available online teaching you the different tips and tricks on how you can improve your live show, you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed already but still feel at a loss as to what gadgets you need.

After all, spending a ton of money on something that does not add value to your show can be quite a hassle. Fret no more, Production Pro with Jeff Adams is here to help you know the pros and cons as well as which gadget and tools may be the right fit for you.

Who is Jeff Adams?

Jeff Adams is the perfect host for this show since he has been in the Entertainment industry as well as internet broadcasting for the last 23 years. This has given him the opportunity to develop a broad base of knowledge which makes him an expert in the field of live shows.

Jeff has had video streams that accumulated over 1.5 million views in less than 24 hours. His vision for live streaming is geared towards entertainment and bringing new innovative interactive shows to the forefront.

What is Production Pro?

Jeff will be hosting a show on the BeLive Facebook Page called Production Pro. It will be about tips, tricks, cameras, microphones, social media platforms, marketing your live stream, building your audience, content creation, finding guests, how to maximize your BeLive.TV platform, algorithms and anything that helps move your live stream to the next level

Jeff hopes to share his many years of experience and passion for live streaming with the BeLive viewers. He is more than excited to share the different tricks of the trade, do’s and don’ts, favorite live stream equipment such as cameras and mics, and to get people excited about the user friendly and multi faceted aspect of BeLive’s platform.

When asked, Jeff had this to say to his future viewers:

“Bring your curiosity, questions, and interests to this new show as I will be taking your questions LIVE on Production Pro. We will be tackling technical questions and many common questions that live streamers have as they navigate through the live streaming space. Each show will bring energy, excitement, and answers that will motivate and move you into a more fluent and engaging live stream. I’m incredibly excited to have you join me! Can’t wait to see you there!”

Production Pro by Jeff Adams airs every Thursday here at 2PM EST. Make sure you stay tune so you too can up your live broadcasts. You can also sign up with BeLive via this link.

If you would like to learn more tips, join our 8000+ community of content creators who are using BeLive.

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